Company Mandated Assessments (CMA)
Not every concern a company has about a pilot’s mental fitness to fly requires a Fit-For-Duty evaluation.
Some times airline management have concerns about a pilot’s mental fitness to fly. Typically, the only safe-guard in place are Fit-For-Duty (FFD) evaluations. These types of evaluations are lengthy, expensive, difficult to coordinate, and always involve the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Our experience of FFD evaluations initiated by airlines is that only 20% of pilots are actually determined to be unfit, however, nearly 100% of pilots require some type of professional intervention to correct an ensuing mental health or mental skills problem. Unfortunately, FFD evaluations offer little insight or follow-up recommendations for the pilot in question. The pilot is simply determined to be fit or unfit
A LiftAffect Company Mandated Assessment (CMA) provides an affordable, expedited, and thorough alternative to FFD evaluations for addressing management concerns about a pilot’s mental fitness to fly.
Our CMAs include:
- A comprehensive mood, personality, and performance assessment
- A thorough clinical interview
- Detailed recommendations as to how the company should proceed
- A clear recommended path for the pilot’s rehabilitation if applicable
Contact LiftAffect to discuss how our CMA process can benefit your airline.